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Jean Carlos Logo


our Needs

What gets in the way of you taking care of yourself? Can we address our needs?

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September 17, 2023


What do we do about endings? What does it look like to love anyway?

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August 6, 2023

The Power
of Small

What if God is in the small? What if we could see God even in the insignificant?

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July 2, 2023

The Safety
of God

Is God something to run from or someone to run to? Can we find safety in God?

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June 11, 2023


In a world that takes and takes, what does it look like to be generous?

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May 7, 2023

You are a Thread
We are a Tapestry

Are we deeply connected? Are our liberation and oppression tied together? 

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April 2, 2023

The Infinite
is Intimate

Does God see you? Does God hear you? Does God care about our pain?

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March 5, 2023

The Question
of Screentime

How do you find God and yourself in the noise and distraction of modern life?

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January 22, 2023


What do you do when you want to change the world but realize you can't?

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November 27, 2022

& Seasons

What do you do when you're here and you really want to be over there?

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September 25, 2022

Does Justice
Have to Kill Us?

Does the work of serving others and doing good require we lose everything?

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August 8, 2022

She Takes
Pride in Us

Does God take pride in all of Her children? Does God's love include us?

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June 19, 2022

Pride at
the Park

Does God take pride in all of Her children? Does God's love include us?

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June 12, 2022


Does God care about the planet, or does God only care about people? 

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April 24, 2022

of Prayer

If God knows what we need, why do we pray? Do prayers change something?

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February 13, 2022

Rest from

What does it look like to rest when we have so many responsibilities?

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March 13, 2022

Joy Rises

What can we have more joy in our lives? How does joy work in our story?

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January 16, 2022

Living in your

How do we live into our purpose? What does God have to say about our future?

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November 7, 2021

Wisdom is

How do we live wisely? How do live into wisdom when others around us don't?

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October 17, 2021

On Expanding
your Heart

How big is your heart? Does the size of your heart affect the rest of your life?

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September 26, 2021

The Secret
to Joy

What is the secret to joy? Why do some people have joy and others don't?

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July 18, 2021

Seeing God in Everything

How can we start to see God in every person and everything in creation?

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June 20, 2021

Grace in the

What do we do in the aftermath? How do we find grace in difficulty?

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May 2, 2021

The Earth vs
The Empire

What is our relationship with the Earth? How do we resist the forces of Empire?

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February 28, 2021

Reality Check
from God Herself

What happens when we get a glimpse at reality? Do we need a reality check?

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January 24, 2021

When God
Shows Up

What does it look like when God shows up in our lives and in our community?

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December 27, 2020

An Invitation
to Joy

What if the universe is constantly inviting us into real and authentic joy?

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December 27, 2020

Power for
the Powerless

What does it mean to be powerful? How can we tap into the power of God?

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September 27, 2020

Immigration, ICE,
and Jesus

Does God care for the immigrant and the stranger? How will we?

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August 23, 2020

Systems &

A conversation about Jesus, Mental Health, and Police Brutality.

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July 19, 2020

The Power of

What is spiritual memory? How can we remember who we are and who God is?

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April 5, 2020

New Year,
New You

How do we handle change? How do we face disruption in our lives?

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January 12, 2020

Spiritual Hazards
of Stages

Is life a performance? How do we live authentically before others?

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November 17, 2019

Grace for
Every Situation

What does God's unconditional care for all of creation look like in our lives?

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October 20, 2019

God's Future

How do we use our past to build God's future? How do our past and future connect?

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May 26, 2019


How do we go through difficult seasons? How do we survive winter?

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February 17, 2019

Pride &

Is it possible to take pride in who we are and continue believing in God?

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July 1, 2018